The VKIC family along with some Karyakartas of VK and an invited audience celebrated Geeta Jayanti on December 11 at the VKIC premises. It was a first for VKIC, to observe the day dedicated to the Gita, the ancient text of Sanatana Dharma, also described as the ‘Song Celestial.’ Mananeeya Shri Govindramji Sharma, from Belda Haridwar, was the guest speaker who revealed the significance and relevance of the Geeta in our lives.
Dr Parimal Chandra Bhattacharjee, Director, Research Advisory Council of VKIC after felicitating the guest explained the purpose of the day and the event. He mentioned that Geeta Jayanti is celebrated at all the branches of VK, but for the first time VKIC has organized this programme. It was followed by chanting of shlokas from the Gita. Kum. Meenakshi Goswami, Research Fellow of VKIC led the chanting for all others to follow.
Sri Govindramji Sharma, the guest speaker also sang a song and after each stanza, explained it with reference to the Gita. All the devotees were urged to delve deep into their inner self. Shri Govindramji, during his oration, referred frequently about Vivekananda Kendra’s service activities. His words brought to light, why the Gita is a brilliant beacon of light and hope for anyone in this world, seeking spiritual and emotional guidance.
A devotional song was also sung by Sri Pranab Brahmachary extolling the greatness of Lord Krishna, the central character of the Gita. It was a set of questions and answers on the fundamental queries of life – Who is the greatest Sammani? Who is the greatest Dhyani?...
Sri Banwarlal Purohit, thanked everyone for their whole hearted co-operation to make the programme successful. At the end of the programme copies of a letter from Man. Nivedita Didi was distributed among all the devotees.
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